Let’s take a moment to reflect on the incredible night we had on Friday 13th, during our Planete Montessori Campus Night. It was
an unforgettable experience for our children, and we believe it left a lasting impression on everyone involved.

Our goal for these campus nights is to provide our children with an opportunity to connect with their fellow students, strengthen the bonds with their teachers, have fun, and create memories that will last a lifetime. I am pleased to say that this recent event achieved exactly that.

Unforgettable Experience

Throughout the evening, our children had the chance to engage in a diverse range of activities.
From watching a movie, playing board games, and even trying their hand at boxing, to playing exciting wolf games and participating in a potato sack race, there was no shortage of entertainment.

These activities brought smiles to their faces and provided a chance for them to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.
The highlight of the night was our barbecue, where we all came together to share a meal. It was
heartwarming to see our children, teachers, and staff mingling and enjoying each other’s company.
It’s moments like these that truly bring our community together.

After a night of excitement and bonding, the next morning was equally enjoyable. We shared a delicious breakfast, and the children had the opportunity to participate in various activities, fostering a sense of togetherness and collaboration.

The Planete Montessori Campus Night was a great opportunity for us as a community to come together and create special relationships between children, teachers, and staff. It was a resounding success, evident from the happy faces of all the children as they left the campus.

I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who helped organize this event and make it possible.
Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated. It’s these kinds of experiences that enrich our children’s lives and create a sense of belonging within our Planete Montessori family.
Thank you to all the parents, teachers, and children who participated. Your presence and enthusiasm made this event a memorable one. We look forward
to more such experiences in the future and hope to continue fostering a strong and vibrant community at Planete Montessori.

A very special thank you to 4 Prod for collaborating with us on this event and allowing our community to benefit from a beautiful set up & a safeoutdoor screen for our movie night.